Here I am, in the comfort of my own room, with the air-con blasting and LEAKING water like nobody's business...
Well, went for my first ever prayer meeting and was slightly late. It felt kinda odd at first cause I have never been to one but I do have to say it's fun. Jo, maybe can consider doing it everyday . Lots of praying and singing etc.
Went for movie "War of the worlds". It was great though I've seen it before.
Oh yeah, Jian Hao got a very special gift from God today. The gift of tongues. Congrats man. Now that you've got it, remember to praise God with this special gift of yours. It works wonder.
Frankly speaking, I have not been praying at all for the past few weeks until today. Cause of something my aunt said...I think about 3 months ago. In the past, I would pray every night before bed time, without fail. Then, I asked for tongues and I got it. I was really, really happy and proud. And I went and told my aunt, and she went to tell my one and only christian uncle. I saw her 2 weeks later and she told me that my aunty (My christian uncle's wife) can speak in tongues, but everytime she speak in tongues, she understands what she is speaking. And my uncle said that what I am speaking may not actually be the "real" tongues that is granted by God, and it may actually be a language from the devil.
I tried and explain to her that sometimes, certain people will understand what they say but mostly, tongues is a language spoken by the spirit and so on...I mean, I've only been to church twice. I know about all these through the cds I bought from new creation church. She wasn't trying to mean any harm when she told me what my uncle said but well, you just know when someone don't really believe what you said.
After that, I got a World War 3 going on inside my head. Sometimes,I decide that It is the REAL thing but sometimes no. I mean, people will query how I got tongues cause I prayed on my own and not in church etc. And the custom was that someone had to pray for you to get it. Well, up till today, I believe that I got it because I wanted it very,very, very badly. Don't ask me why. I just wanted it and I was prepared to go all out for it. Maybe people won't understand how badly I wanted it, but well, I know. Anyway, I let fear got the better of me. I stopped praying in tongues and soon, I completely stop praying. You may say "Stupid" but my mentality at that time was " I would rather not pray then to pray to the devil." But unlike the rest of the problems, I was constantly thinking about it. It was always on my mind, day and night, dawn till dusk, without fail...and the urges to go to church were so strong. Cause I needed guidance, I needed answers. And, I know I will find what I'm looking for there. "God is everywhere," you may say. But for 'kuku' christians like me, the first source was church.
Anyway, I'm going to go into my famous "Heck-care" attitude and keep on praying. Because I know, only God is worth praising and worshipping. And besides, fear is a sin, worry is a sin. I've got more than enough sins each day so, I'll just forget about fear and worry.
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