Sunday, September 17, 2006

Young Young? Old Young? What the heck am I saying?

My thigh is absolutely aching... Ouch.

Did my NAPFA test on thurs. My body didn't show any sign of aching on fri morning, and trust me, I has a great time laughing at the rest of my classmates coz they were all moaning and groaning. But...good things weren't meant to last, got the full blown effect in the afternoon -_-. And today, it's still aching.

So, how did I fare for my NAPFA?? Well, I failed...HAHA. I passed all 5 stations and failed at my 2.4km (as usual). My muscles around my ankle was so tight when I was doing my 2.4km. I tried plantar flexing my feet but I couldn't, I was practically limping the whole way through. The muscles were so tight, I was so afraid that my tibia and fibula will be snap by my muscles. And in the end, I couldn't even walk properly, much less run. Anyway, I didn't even complete my 6 rounds. I was already way past the time limit and they called me to stop, so I stopped. Maybe I strained myself too much during the 5 stations.

So results: Sit Up: 34 (surprised? My parents were so surprise...They didn't know someone my size could still do sit up...-_-''' Anyway after that, I thought I just gave birth...LOL, coz I was so tired)
Standing Board Jump: 170cm (A new personal record for me!!!)
Sit And Reach: 41cm (I think another new personal record again. Anyway, have always been terrible at this)
Inclined Pull Up: 11 ( Another new record. )
Shuttle Run: 12.4 (Phew...just made it. Just Barely Made it)
As for 2.4km, well, let's say since young I was never a long distance runner, I was always a 100m sprinter. Honest. Not saying in self-defense or anything, but ask my primary school friends, I was really picked to be a 100m/200m runner for inter-house challenge lor.

Ok, I'm tired now, need to rest my eyes, been playing audition all day until my fingers are stuck. God bless~